Intuitively flowing

I have a swathe of rich, eclectic life experience and a heart centred philosophy of life, living from the heart, trusting the wisdom within and the intuitive nudges. Following my heart has lifted me out of the heavily labelled boxes life wanted to put me in and often did, and has given me a heart to help you do the same by spending time together in gentle communication and mindful activity, taking a step out in order to step in, to the flow of life. I also have some paper credentials from life’s teachings but no need to air them here.

“Quiet the mind for the soul to speak”

Ma Jaya Sati Baganati

My gift and passions

I have always been an intuitive person in touch with my ‘inner knowing’. I am a people person, I love getting to know people and their story. I believe in the inter-connectedness of everything and everyone (see link for the Science on this at the end of this page). I have a gift for hospitality, of listening, laughing and celebrating life. I love to lead others, total novices or otherwise, in a little yoga and laughter yoga to lift the spirits, create space in the body and mind and promote overall well being.

It is my experience that we can evolve at the deepest level via events, relationships, adventures, sadnesses, traumas, joys – everything, that we experience in our lives. I find that exciting. I believe we are here to help each other, each of us bringing a unique imprint that is essential to the harmony of the whole.

“In the tapestry of life, we’re all connected. Each one of us is a gift to those around us, helping each other be who we are, weaving a perfect picture together.”

Anita Moorjani, author of Dying to be me

As featured in the photo above, I have the awesome Lola the Dachshund in my life (rehomed with me at seven months old and definitely a passion) and some of my favourite things to do are walking/hiking, exploring the UK (I have a ‘van plan’ for that somewhere down the line) and anything nature based, yoga, and of course time with friends – true, authentic friends who support me, challenge me and walk alongside me…with plenty of laughter. I don’t believe in taking myself or life too seriously. It’s really not going to get us anywhere.

“Laughter connects you with people. It is almost impossible to maintain any kind of distance or any sense of social hierarchy when you’re just howling with laughter.”

John Cleese

My values. What matters to me

Kindness. I am moved at a deep level when I see it or receive it because I believe it to be one of the most beautiful, powerful manifestations of love. Simple acts of kindness can change our lives, as recipient and giver. And no one needs a piece of paper for that! Compassion and non judgement matter to me. Authenticity. Being caring. Staying open to learn and therefore teachable through any person or situation.

“The source of love is deep in us and we can help others realise a lot of happiness. One word, one action, one thought can reduce another person’s suffering and bring that person joy.’”

Thich Nhat Hanh

A little bit of heart science…

In our bodies, our heart (not our brain) produces the strongest electrical and magnetic field, 60 times stronger than the brain. This can now be measured by science, and in fact the human heart emits an electrical magnetic field that goes 6 feet beyond our body. This heart energy field interacts with other people’s energy, and the planet and animal’s electrical magnetic fields. See, we are all connected!

For some fascinating science on this take look at the HeartMath gallery of videos

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