Restore weekends

Weekends are also an option, but I do encourage guests to first experience a day or half day. I recommend this because it is my feeling that an initial, shorter time together starts to create a connection that lays the foundation for a weekend. It will enable a deeper communication and understanding between us, or perhaps a greater confidence in you to try something new, or simply open the way to explore more widely and with greater familiarity over a longer time together.

All that said, I also encourage everyone to trust their instincts, to see what you feel strongly drawn to. If that is a weekend straight away, we will trust that and do some wonderful exploring together on a Zoom or telephone call to see what you might like to include in your time.

You can get an idea of possible activities by looking at the half day and full day examples I have provided and it might be that you choose to have one day of mixed activities and another focussing on a theme, such as ‘yoga and deep relaxation’ or ‘nature and food’ or a complete weekend on one activity. Or perhaps you might prefer to have two half days over the weekend and leave yourself with time to relax and explore the local area. I will guide but as I said at the very beginning, the time is all about you.

Included in the weekend is one night’s accommodation in a nearby farmhouse B&B.

Everything starts with some exploration time together on Zoom or by telephone, so all can be talked through then.

I look forward to hearing from you, whatever you decide.

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