I have included this because I wanted to explain my personal definition of healthy food for the benefit of a guest who spends time with me. A guest’s own dietary needs will always be the priority, but if there is a desire to try something new and make some tweaks, our time together is the opportunity.

Over time and testing, and with the assistance of a nutritional therapist, I have found what suits my body type; what helps my hormonal balance, the foods to avoid to support the tendency for heat to increase in my liver, plus other things, personal to me, which give me more energy, allow me to carry less weight and generally feel the best I ever have. My point is, we are all different! It is not one size fits all. Professional guidance tailored to you might be the best way to make change, change that is supported emotionally, physically and wisely!

I am not that professional guidance, but I can help you reflect where you are now, guide, encourage, and start you on a journey if desirable. We can make treats together if treats are your thing and you don’t want to give them up but would like them to be a little healthier; or we can try cooking some foods you’ve not yet tried but would like to incorporate into your diet. I will provide a safe place to chat and explore; I find most of us have a ‘food story’ and that is a good place to start.